The Parish

The Parish Council serves the community as the first tier of local government.  It is an elected body with statutory and discretionary powers and rights to represent and provide service to the community and provide services.  The Council is comprised of 5 councillors who serve a term of up to four years.  The present term ends in May 2019 and there were elections for a new Council on 2nd May 2019.

An annual meeting is held in May at which the Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected by the Council members.

The Council has a single part-time employee – the Clerk to the Council.

Snainton Parish Council supplements local government services provided by Scarborough Borough Council and the North Yorkshire County Council, and also promotes and represents the town with other national and statutory bodies.

The Council acts as a sounding board for local opinion and has important rights of consultation. County and District Councils are obliged by law to consult the Council on matters affecting the town, particularly planning applications and priorities for local investment.  The Council’s powers and duties cover many things that we take for granted in making for comfort and well being in Snainton. These include the provision and maintenance of the Cemetery, the Reading Room, public monuments, public clocks, and some public open spaces.  It provides grit bins for winter footpath spreading, cuts roadside verges and public open spaces.

These services are funded principally by the "precept" - a council-specific tax to improve facilities and services for local people, which is collected along with Council Tax by Scarborough Borough Council and remitted to the Parish Council.

The Town Council meets monthly, except August.  Meetings are usually held at 7.30pm on the second Monday of the month, in the Reading Room. All meetings are open to the public.


List of Councillors

Terry Abbey; Chairman

Neil Binks; Vice Chairman

Holly Tyson

Paul Mainprize

James (Jim) Harber


The Parish Map shows the boundary administered by Snainton Parish Council.