Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Snainton Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 24, you are viewing 1 - 10


address Jasmine Farm West Lane Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9AR
description Demolition of rear lean-to extension, removal of rear dormer and erection of single storey rear extension
area Scarborough
start date 11/12/2024
decision None


address South Lodge Farm Green Lane Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9BL
description Conversion of stable block to 1no. dwelling
area Scarborough
start date 12/11/2024
decision None


address Manor Farm 3 High Street Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9AE
description Erection of 2no. rear extensions with link corridor
area Scarborough
start date 16/09/2024
decision None


address Horselands Middle Lane Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9AX
description Erection of stable block following the demolition of existing barn. Construction of equine exercise arena and horse walker
area Scarborough
start date 10/09/2024
decision None


address Wydale High Farm Wydale Brompton By Sawdon Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9DG
description Erection of general purpose agricultural storage building
area Scarborough
start date 06/08/2024
decision Undetermined Application - 30/09/2024


address 2 Wydale Rise Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9AG
description Proposed dropped kerb and formation of crossover on grass verge
area Scarborough
start date 01/08/2024
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 16/10/2024


address The Poplars Barkers Lane Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9BG
description Retrospective change of use of existing buildings to domestic storage
area Scarborough
start date 10/07/2024
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 17/10/2024


address 13 Station Road Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9AP
description Discharge of Condition 2 (materials) in relation to application 23/00516/HS
area Scarborough
start date 19/06/2024
decision Determined - 06/08/2024


address Fern Cottage 1 High Street Snainton Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9AE
description Erection of single storey rear extension
area Scarborough
start date 19/04/2024
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 10/10/2024


address Wydale High Farm Wydale Brompton By Sawdon Scarborough North Yorkshire YO13 9DG
description Erection of first floor extension to side, single storey extension to rear and front porch
area Scarborough
start date 09/04/2024
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 01/08/2024